Як утворюється Past Continuous

Як утворюється Past Continuous? Для аналогії розглянемо Past Simple з дієсловом ‘be’ (підмет + was / were). і тепер додамо дієслово з -ing закінченням.

Ось стверджувальна форма:

  • I was sleeping – я спав.
  • you were working – ти працював
  • he was coming – він йшов
  • she was reading ‘War and Peace’ – вона читала “Війну і мир”
  • it was raining – йшов дощ
  • we were shopping – ми були в магазині
  • they were watching a film – вони дивилися фільм

past cont how

Негативна форма утворюється дуже просто: додайте ‘not’ після дієслова ‘be’ в минулій формі:

  • I was not (wasn’t) sleeping
  • you were not (weren’t) working
  • he was not (wasn’t) coming
  • she was not (wasn’t) reading ‘War and Peace’
  • it was not (wasn’t) raining
  • we were not (weren’t) shopping
  • they were not (weren’t) watching a film

Також, як і в Past Simple з дієсловом ‘be’ , щоб зробити ‘так / ні’ питання , поставте ‘was / were’ перед підметом:

  • Was I listening?
  • Were you working?
  • Was she working?
  • Was he living in Paris at the time?
  • Was it snowing when you arrived?
  • Were we eating?
  • Were they studying?

Щоб утворити питання з питальним словом, поставте питальне слово в початок речення:

  • Why was I working?
  • Where were you living?
  • How was she travelling?
  • Where was he going?
  • Why was it snowing in the summer?
  • What were we eating?
  • Why were they studying?

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