Тест ЗНО з англійської мови 2017 року

1. Don’t just show up for the interview. The more information you have learnt in advance, the better impression you will make on the interviewer. Take the time to get working papers (if you need them) and references, before you start looking for a job.


A) Be Polite
B) Be Punctual
C) Be Prepared
D) Go on Your Own
E) Dress Appropriately
F) Know Your Schedule
G) Prepare Your Questions
H) Consult Your Parents

2. It’s essential to have good manners being interviewed. Shake your interviewer’s hand. Don’t sit until you are invited to. Don’t slouch in your chair. Doesn’t use slang or swear. Be positive, and professional throughout the interview.


A) Be Polite
B) Be Punctual
C) Be Prepared
D) Go on Your Own
E) Dress Appropriately
F) Know Your Schedule
G) Prepare Your Questions
H) Consult Your Parents

3. Know what days and hours you are available to work. The employer will ask. Flexibility is definitely an asset, because the more time you are available, the easier it is for the employer to organize your work. Also know how you are going to get to and from work, if you don’t drive.


A) Be Polite
B) Be Punctual
C) Be Prepared
D) Go on Your Own
E) Dress Appropriately
F) Know Your Schedule
G) Prepare Your Questions
H) Consult Your Parents

4. Arrive at the interview site a few minutes early. If you’re not sure where to go, get directions ahead of time. If you don’t have a driver’s license, make sure you have a ride.


A) Be Polite
B) Be Punctual
C) Be Prepared
D) Go on Your Own
E) Dress Appropriately
F) Know Your Schedule
G) Prepare Your Questions
H) Consult Your Parents

5. If your mom or dad brings you for an interview, don’t bring them into the interview room with you. Go by yourself. It’s important that you speak for yourself and connect with the interviewer, without someone else’s assistance.


A) Be Polite
B) Be Punctual
C) Be Prepared
D) Go on Your Own
E) Dress Appropriately
F) Know Your Schedule
G) Prepare Your Questions
H) Consult Your Parents



Ding, ding! When you visit the website Spatulatta: Cooking 4 Kids Online, a cheery bell signals that the fun is about to begin. Isabella and Olivia Gerasole of Chicago, Illinois, use the power of video to teach kids how to prepare tasty recipes. The cool thing is, the sisters are kids themselves. When last year they won for their website a James Beard Foundation award, named after a world-famous chef, these grade-schoolers became the youngest cooks ever to receive recognition from the group.

The idea for the website came from their neighbour, film producer Gaylon Emerzian. Isabella, 11, says when Emerzian asked the sisters if they’d like to help with a cooking website for kids, they knew right away that it would be fun. “We could do a website ourselves at home and reach kids all around the world”, Isabella says. “We get recipes and fan mail from lots of different countries.”

The sisters film new segments every two weeks. They set aside four or five hours to work, often while the neighbourhood kids are outside playing, and have learned a lot about lighting, filming, and editing. “The sacrifice is worth it”, says Isabella. “Sometimes it is hard to fit in, but when you see your finished work on the website, it is the greatest feeling!”

Olivia, 9, has this advice: “If you mess up, it is just fine. I mess up all the time!” She says she’s short and often can’t reach bowls to stir properly. She’s learned to use a stool and keep trying, “Mess-ups can be frustrating, but you’ll get it some time!”

Since winning the award, the girls have been interviewed by television, radio, and newspaper reporters. They’ve learned that hard work can not only turn out to be fun, but can lead to surprising results. Isabella and Olivia have also learned that one good idea can lead to another. Their new cookbook will roll off the presses this fall.

According to paragraph 1______.




Ding, ding! When you visit the website Spatulatta: Cooking 4 Kids Online, a cheery bell signals that the fun is about to begin. Isabella and Olivia Gerasole of Chicago, Illinois, use the power of video to teach kids how to prepare tasty recipes. The cool thing is, the sisters are kids themselves. When last year they won for their website a James Beard Foundation award, named after a world-famous chef, these grade-schoolers became the youngest cooks ever to receive recognition from the group.

The idea for the website came from their neighbour, film producer Gaylon Emerzian. Isabella, 11, says when Emerzian asked the sisters if they’d like to help with a cooking website for kids, they knew right away that it would be fun. “We could do a website ourselves at home and reach kids all around the world”, Isabella says. “We get recipes and fan mail from lots of different countries.”

The sisters film new segments every two weeks. They set aside four or five hours to work, often while the neighbourhood kids are outside playing, and have learned a lot about lighting, filming, and editing. “The sacrifice is worth it”, says Isabella. “Sometimes it is hard to fit in, but when you see your finished work on the website, it is the greatest feeling!”

Olivia, 9, has this advice: “If you mess up, it is just fine. I mess up all the time!” She says she’s short and often can’t reach bowls to stir properly. She’s learned to use a stool and keep trying, “Mess-ups can be frustrating, but you’ll get it some time!”

Since winning the award, the girls have been interviewed by television, radio, and newspaper reporters. They’ve learned that hard work can not only turn out to be fun, but can lead to surprising results. Isabella and Olivia have also learned that one good idea can lead to another. Their new cookbook will roll off the presses this fall.

It is stated in paragraph 2 that_______.




Ding, ding! When you visit the website Spatulatta: Cooking 4 Kids Online, a cheery bell signals that the fun is about to begin. Isabella and Olivia Gerasole of Chicago, Illinois, use the power of video to teach kids how to prepare tasty recipes. The cool thing is, the sisters are kids themselves. When last year they won for their website a James Beard Foundation award, named after a world-famous chef, these grade-schoolers became the youngest cooks ever to receive recognition from the group.

The idea for the website came from their neighbour, film producer Gaylon Emerzian. Isabella, 11, says when Emerzian asked the sisters if they’d like to help with a cooking website for kids, they knew right away that it would be fun. “We could do a website ourselves at home and reach kids all around the world”, Isabella says. “We get recipes and fan mail from lots of different countries.”

The sisters film new segments every two weeks. They set aside four or five hours to work, often while the neighbourhood kids are outside playing, and have learned a lot about lighting, filming, and editing. “The sacrifice is worth it”, says Isabella. “Sometimes it is hard to fit in, but when you see your finished work on the website, it is the greatest feeling!”

Olivia, 9, has this advice: “If you mess up, it is just fine. I mess up all the time!” She says she’s short and often can’t reach bowls to stir properly. She’s learned to use a stool and keep trying, “Mess-ups can be frustrating, but you’ll get it some time!”

Since winning the award, the girls have been interviewed by television, radio, and newspaper reporters. They’ve learned that hard work can not only turn out to be fun, but can lead to surprising results. Isabella and Olivia have also learned that one good idea can lead to another. Their new cookbook will roll off the presses this fall.

In paragraph 3 the author says that the sisters _______.




Ding, ding! When you visit the website Spatulatta: Cooking 4 Kids Online, a cheery bell signals that the fun is about to begin. Isabella and Olivia Gerasole of Chicago, Illinois, use the power of video to teach kids how to prepare tasty recipes. The cool thing is, the sisters are kids themselves. When last year they won for their website a James Beard Foundation award, named after a world-famous chef, these grade-schoolers became the youngest cooks ever to receive recognition from the group.

The idea for the website came from their neighbour, film producer Gaylon Emerzian. Isabella, 11, says when Emerzian asked the sisters if they’d like to help with a cooking website for kids, they knew right away that it would be fun. “We could do a website ourselves at home and reach kids all around the world”, Isabella says. “We get recipes and fan mail from lots of different countries.”

The sisters film new segments every two weeks. They set aside four or five hours to work, often while the neighbourhood kids are outside playing, and have learned a lot about lighting, filming, and editing. “The sacrifice is worth it”, says Isabella. “Sometimes it is hard to fit in, but when you see your finished work on the website, it is the greatest feeling!”

Olivia, 9, has this advice: “If you mess up, it is just fine. I mess up all the time!” She says she’s short and often can’t reach bowls to stir properly. She’s learned to use a stool and keep trying, “Mess-ups can be frustrating, but you’ll get it some time!”

Since winning the award, the girls have been interviewed by television, radio, and newspaper reporters. They’ve learned that hard work can not only turn out to be fun, but can lead to surprising results. Isabella and Olivia have also learned that one good idea can lead to another. Their new cookbook will roll off the presses this fall.

Which of the following is TRUE about Olivia?




Ding, ding! When you visit the website Spatulatta: Cooking 4 Kids Online, a cheery bell signals that the fun is about to begin. Isabella and Olivia Gerasole of Chicago, Illinois, use the power of video to teach kids how to prepare tasty recipes. The cool thing is, the sisters are kids themselves. When last year they won for their website a James Beard Foundation award, named after a world-famous chef, these grade-schoolers became the youngest cooks ever to receive recognition from the group.

The idea for the website came from their neighbour, film producer Gaylon Emerzian. Isabella, 11, says when Emerzian asked the sisters if they’d like to help with a cooking website for kids, they knew right away that it would be fun. “We could do a website ourselves at home and reach kids all around the world”, Isabella says. “We get recipes and fan mail from lots of different countries.”

The sisters film new segments every two weeks. They set aside four or five hours to work, often while the neighbourhood kids are outside playing, and have learned a lot about lighting, filming, and editing. “The sacrifice is worth it”, says Isabella. “Sometimes it is hard to fit in, but when you see your finished work on the website, it is the greatest feeling!”

Olivia, 9, has this advice: “If you mess up, it is just fine. I mess up all the time!” She says she’s short and often can’t reach bowls to stir properly. She’s learned to use a stool and keep trying, “Mess-ups can be frustrating, but you’ll get it some time!”

Since winning the award, the girls have been interviewed by television, radio, and newspaper reporters. They’ve learned that hard work can not only turn out to be fun, but can lead to surprising results. Isabella and Olivia have also learned that one good idea can lead to another. Their new cookbook will roll off the presses this fall.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned among the results of the girls’ work?



Literary Heaven

There is nothing like your first great bookstore discovery. Here are some of the most remarkable bookshops from all around the globe, each one of them is special in its own way.

Barter Books

Barter Books is located in a beautiful old Victorian Alnwick railway station, in N orthumberland, U.K., right where passengers once bought their train tickets. Barter Books comforts its customers with a homey feel – fires in the winter, a buffet, and a waiting room for people to sip coffee and read.

In what way is each bookstore special?


A) It offers visitors meals and entertainment.
B) It purchases second hand books from its customers.
C) It holds workshops for young artists and writers.
D) It is a converted public transport terminal.
E) It is a place to enjoy both watching and reading a play.
F) It is a former place for live performances.
G) It provides an opportunity to become a business owner.
H) It is a welcoming location for international travellers.


Literary Heaven

There is nothing like your first great bookstore discovery. Here are some of the most remarkable bookshops from all around the globe, each one of them is special in its own way.

E. Shaver, Bookseller

Nearly 40 years old, E. Shaver, Bookseller is located in historic Savannah and specializes in regional topics from architecture to gardening. Considered a local treasure, one allure of the store is the collection of antique maps that can be found between its bookshelves. And if you’ve ever dreamed of owning a bookstore here’s your chance. Founders Edwin and Esther Shaver have put the shop on the market.

In what way is each bookstore special?


A) It offers visitors meals and entertainment.
B) It purchases second hand books from its customers.
C) It holds workshops for young artists and writers.
D) It is a converted public transport terminal.
E) It is a place to enjoy both watching and reading a play.
F) It is a former place for live performances.
G) It provides an opportunity to become a business owner.
H) It is a welcoming location for international travellers.


Literary Heaven

There is nothing like your first great bookstore discovery. Here are some of the most remarkable bookshops from all around the globe, each one of them is special in its own way.

El Ateneo Grand Splendid

Certainly one of the most beautiful bookstores, El Ateneo Grand Splendid is a theatre-turned-bookstore in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It features eye-catching frescoes and sculptures – and, as if the scenery wasn’t enough, customers can flip through books in theatre boxes and sip a hot drink in the cafe towards the back of the stage!

In what way is each bookstore special?


A) It offers visitors meals and entertainment.
B) It purchases second hand books from its customers.
C) It holds workshops for young artists and writers.
D) It is a converted public transport terminal.
E) It is a place to enjoy both watching and reading a play.
F) It is a former place for live performances.
G) It provides an opportunity to become a business owner.
H) It is a welcoming location for international travellers.


Literary Heaven

There is nothing like your first great bookstore discovery. Here are some of the most remarkable bookshops from all around the globe, each one of them is special in its own way.

Shakespeare & Company

The history of Shakespeare & Company clearly shows that this is more than just a bookstore. George Whitman founded the Paris bookstore in 1951. He had travelled the world, at times facing hunger and thirst for days on end, finally finding hospitality in the arms of local people. His experiences shaped his store’s philosophy, and for decades it has been, as the store’s website puts it, “a home-away-from-home for many thousands of writers and visitors from around the world”.

In what way is each bookstore special?


A) It offers visitors meals and entertainment.
B) It purchases second hand books from its customers.
C) It holds workshops for young artists and writers.
D) It is a converted public transport terminal.
E) It is a place to enjoy both watching and reading a play.
F) It is a former place for live performances.
G) It provides an opportunity to become a business owner.
H) It is a welcoming location for international travellers.


Literary Heaven

There is nothing like your first great bookstore discovery. Here are some of the most remarkable bookshops from all around the globe, each one of them is special in its own way.

McKay Used Books

McKay offers more than just books. The idea of a “free enterprise library” stemmed from the

concept of trading books you’ve read for ones you haven’t. This Knoxville store is stocked

exclusively with items that customers bring in to trade or sell.

In what way is each bookstore special?


A) It offers visitors meals and entertainment.
B) It purchases second hand books from its customers.
C) It holds workshops for young artists and writers.
D) It is a converted public transport terminal.
E) It is a place to enjoy both watching and reading a play.
F) It is a former place for live performances.
G) It provides an opportunity to become a business owner.
H) It is a welcoming location for international travellers.


Literary Heaven

There is nothing like your first great bookstore discovery. Here are some of the most remarkable bookshops from all around the globe, each one of them is special in its own way.

Cafebreria EL Pebdulo

Though the books line the walls of Mexico City’s Cafebreria EL Pebdulo, visitors can order

breakfast, lunch and dinner from the café and drinks from the bar, all the while enjoying live

music, poetry reading, stand up comedy improvisations and more. This cafe/bookstore even

has valet parking.

In what way is each bookstore special?


A) It offers visitors meals and entertainment.
B) It purchases second hand books from its customers.
C) It holds workshops for young artists and writers.
D) It is a converted public transport terminal.
E) It is a place to enjoy both watching and reading a play.
F) It is a former place for live performances.
G) It provides an opportunity to become a business owner.
H) It is a welcoming location for international travellers.


Scientists Help Giant Pandas Raise Twins

Any human mother of twins knows (17) __________ at the same time. And it’s true for other mammals, too. “Nearly half of all giant panda births in zoos and research stations result in twins,” says Don Lindburg, (18) __________ at the San Diego Zoo.

“Taking care of a tiny infant is such a difficult chore (19) __________,” Lindburg says.

“Every newborn panda is important,” says Lindburg. “After giant pandas have grown to adulthood, some of the captive-born bears could be released into the mountainous wilds,” he says. Those (20) __________ will help rebuild China’s population of wild pandas.

At China’s Wolong facility, caregivers are helping make the mother’s situation more “bear-able”. They gently remove one of the twins, keeping it warm and well fed for a week (21) _________.

The twins continue to be swapped for months, (22) __________ and no longer need nursing. Bamboo, apples, carrots, and biscuits are added to the diet of mother’s milk when the cubs are about seven months old. By adulthood, the pandas will eat fresh stems, shoots and leaves of wild bamboo plants.


A) who is the leader of the giant panda research team
B) until the cubs can eat solid foods
C) that mate and give birth to more cubs
D) that it’s hard to raise two children of the same age
E) after female pandas get mature enough to breed
F) that mother pandas usually can’t handle two
G) who weighs about two hundred grams
H) before trading it for the cub’s brother or sister


Scientists Help Giant Pandas Raise Twins

Any human mother of twins knows (17) __________ at the same time. And it’s true for other mammals, too. “Nearly half of all giant panda births in zoos and research stations result in twins,” says Don Lindburg, (18) __________ at the San Diego Zoo.

“Taking care of a tiny infant is such a difficult chore (19) __________,” Lindburg says.

“Every newborn panda is important,” says Lindburg. “After giant pandas have grown to adulthood, some of the captive-born bears could be released into the mountainous wilds,” he says. Those (20) __________ will help rebuild China’s population of wild pandas.

At China’s Wolong facility, caregivers are helping make the mother’s situation more “bear-able”. They gently remove one of the twins, keeping it warm and well fed for a week (21) _________.

The twins continue to be swapped for months, (22) __________ and no longer need nursing. Bamboo, apples, carrots, and biscuits are added to the diet of mother’s milk when the cubs are about seven months old. By adulthood, the pandas will eat fresh stems, shoots and leaves of wild bamboo plants.


A) who is the leader of the giant panda research team
B) until the cubs can eat solid foods
C) that mate and give birth to more cubs
D) that it’s hard to raise two children of the same age
E) after female pandas get mature enough to breed
F) that mother pandas usually can’t handle two
G) who weighs about two hundred grams
H) before trading it for the cub’s brother or sister


Scientists Help Giant Pandas Raise Twins

Any human mother of twins knows (17) __________ at the same time. And it’s true for other mammals, too. “Nearly half of all giant panda births in zoos and research stations result in twins,” says Don Lindburg, (18) __________ at the San Diego Zoo.

“Taking care of a tiny infant is such a difficult chore (19) __________,” Lindburg says.

“Every newborn panda is important,” says Lindburg. “After giant pandas have grown to adulthood, some of the captive-born bears could be released into the mountainous wilds,” he says. Those (20) __________ will help rebuild China’s population of wild pandas.

At China’s Wolong facility, caregivers are helping make the mother’s situation more “bear-able”. They gently remove one of the twins, keeping it warm and well fed for a week (21) _________.

The twins continue to be swapped for months, (22) __________ and no longer need nursing. Bamboo, apples, carrots, and biscuits are added to the diet of mother’s milk when the cubs are about seven months old. By adulthood, the pandas will eat fresh stems, shoots and leaves of wild bamboo plants.


A) who is the leader of the giant panda research team
B) until the cubs can eat solid foods
C) that mate and give birth to more cubs
D) that it’s hard to raise two children of the same age
E) after female pandas get mature enough to breed
F) that mother pandas usually can’t handle two
G) who weighs about two hundred grams
H) before trading it for the cub’s brother or sister


Scientists Help Giant Pandas Raise Twins

Any human mother of twins knows (17) __________ at the same time. And it’s true for other mammals, too. “Nearly half of all giant panda births in zoos and research stations result in twins,” says Don Lindburg, (18) __________ at the San Diego Zoo.

“Taking care of a tiny infant is such a difficult chore (19) __________,” Lindburg says.

“Every newborn panda is important,” says Lindburg. “After giant pandas have grown to adulthood, some of the captive-born bears could be released into the mountainous wilds,” he says. Those (20)__________ will help rebuild China’s population of wild pandas.

At China’s Wolong facility, caregivers are helping make the mother’s situation more “bear-able”. They gently remove one of the twins, keeping it warm and well fed for a week (21) _________.

The twins continue to be swapped for months, (22) __________ and no longer need nursing. Bamboo, apples, carrots, and biscuits are added to the diet of mother’s milk when the cubs are about seven months old. By adulthood, the pandas will eat fresh stems, shoots and leaves of wild bamboo plants.


A) who is the leader of the giant panda research team
B) until the cubs can eat solid foods
C) that mate and give birth to more cubs
D) that it’s hard to raise two children of the same age
E) after female pandas get mature enough to breed
F) that mother pandas usually can’t handle two
G) who weighs about two hundred grams
H) before trading it for the cub’s brother or sister


Scientists Help Giant Pandas Raise Twins

Any human mother of twins knows (17) __________ at the same time. And it’s true for other mammals, too. “Nearly half of all giant panda births in zoos and research stations result in twins,” says Don Lindburg, (18) __________ at the San Diego Zoo.

“Taking care of a tiny infant is such a difficult chore (19) __________,” Lindburg says.

“Every newborn panda is important,” says Lindburg. “After giant pandas have grown to adulthood, some of the captive-born bears could be released into the mountainous wilds,” he says. Those (20)__________ will help rebuild China’s population of wild pandas.

At China’s Wolong facility, caregivers are helping make the mother’s situation more “bear-able”. They gently remove one of the twins, keeping it warm and well fed for a week (21) _________.

The twins continue to be swapped for months, (22) __________ and no longer need nursing. Bamboo, apples, carrots, and biscuits are added to the diet of mother’s milk when the cubs are about seven months old. By adulthood, the pandas will eat fresh stems, shoots and leaves of wild bamboo plants.


A) who is the leader of the giant panda research team
B) until the cubs can eat solid foods
C) that mate and give birth to more cubs
D) that it’s hard to raise two children of the same age
E) after female pandas get mature enough to breed
F) that mother pandas usually can’t handle two
G) who weighs about two hundred grams
H) before trading it for the cub’s brother or sister


Scientists Help Giant Pandas Raise Twins

Any human mother of twins knows (17) __________ at the same time. And it’s true for other mammals, too. “Nearly half of all giant panda births in zoos and research stations result in twins,” says Don Lindburg, (18) __________ at the San Diego Zoo.

“Taking care of a tiny infant is such a difficult chore (19) __________,” Lindburg says.

“Every newborn panda is important,” says Lindburg. “After giant pandas have grown to adulthood, some of the captive-born bears could be released into the mountainous wilds,” he says. Those (20)__________ will help rebuild China’s population of wild pandas.

At China’s Wolong facility, caregivers are helping make the mother’s situation more “bear-able”. They gently remove one of the twins, keeping it warm and well fed for a week (21) _________.

The twins continue to be swapped for months, (22) __________ and no longer need nursing. Bamboo, apples, carrots, and biscuits are added to the diet of mother’s milk when the cubs are about seven months old. By adulthood, the pandas will eat fresh stems, shoots and leaves of wild bamboo plants.


A) who is the leader of the giant panda research team
B) until the cubs can eat solid foods
C) that mate and give birth to more cubs
D) that it’s hard to raise two children of the same age
E) after female pandas get mature enough to breed
F) that mother pandas usually can’t handle two
G) who weighs about two hundred grams
H) before trading it for the cub’s brother or sister


Stonehenge Village

Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge last year (23)______ the remains of a large prehistoric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.

The village was shown to be about 4,600 years old, the same (24)______ as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt. The village is less than 2 miles from Stonehenge and (25)______ inside a massive manmade circular earthwork.

Remains found at the site (26)______ jewelry, stone arrowheads, tools made of deer antlers, and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery.

An old road which (27)______ from the village to a river called the Avon was also unearthed.

The experts believe Stonehenge was like a cemetery where (28)______ Britons buried the dead and remembered their ancestors. “The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors,” Parker Pearson says.

Next to the village there was a giant wooden version of the famous stone circle. Archaeologists (29)______ this timber circle, which was only temporary because it eventually rotted away, was a symbol of life. Stonehenge, on the other (30)______, was a permanent symbol of the afterlife.

Parker Pearson says the recent discoveries made around the (31)______ found village show that Stonehenge didn’t stand alone but was a part of a much bigger religious site. People still keep worshiping and celebrating at Stonehenge today. They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it (32)______ on the longest day of summer.


A) discovered
B) picked
C) met
D) watched


Stonehenge Village

Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge last year (23)______ the remains of a large prehistoric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.

The village was shown to be about 4,600 years old, the same (24)______ as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt. The village is less than 2 miles from Stonehenge and (25)______ inside a massive manmade circular earthwork.

Remains found at the site (26)______ jewelry, stone arrowheads, tools made of deer antlers, and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery.

An old road which (27)______ from the village to a river called the Avon was also unearthed.

The experts believe Stonehenge was like a cemetery where (28)______ Britons buried the dead and remembered their ancestors. “The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors,” Parker Pearson says.

Next to the village there was a giant wooden version of the famous stone circle. Archaeologists (29)______ this timber circle, which was only temporary because it eventually rotted away, was a symbol of life. Stonehenge, on the other (30)______, was a permanent symbol of the afterlife.

Parker Pearson says the recent discoveries made around the (31)______ found village show that Stonehenge didn’t stand alone but was a part of a much bigger religious site. People still keep worshiping and celebrating at Stonehenge today. They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it (32)______ on the longest day of summer.


A) condition
B) age
C) state
D) time


Stonehenge Village

Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge last year (23)______ the remains of a large prehistoric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.

The village was shown to be about 4,600 years old, the same (24)______ as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt. The village is less than 2 miles from Stonehenge and (25)______ inside a massive manmade circular earthwork.

Remains found at the site (26)______ jewelry, stone arrowheads, tools made of deer antlers, and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery.

An old road which (27)______ from the village to a river called the Avon was also unearthed.

The experts believe Stonehenge was like a cemetery where (28)______ Britons buried the dead and remembered their ancestors. “The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors,” Parker Pearson says.

Next to the village there was a giant wooden version of the famous stone circle. Archaeologists (29)______ this timber circle, which was only temporary because it eventually rotted away, was a symbol of life. Stonehenge, on the other (30)______, was a permanent symbol of the afterlife.

Parker Pearson says the recent discoveries made around the (31)______ found village show that Stonehenge didn’t stand alone but was a part of a much bigger religious site. People still keep worshiping and celebrating at Stonehenge today. They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it (32)______ on the longest day of summer.


A) spreads
B) settles
C) stays
D) lies


Stonehenge Village

Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge last year (23)______ the remains of a large prehistoric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.

The village was shown to be about 4,600 years old, the same (24)______ as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt. The village is less than 2 miles from Stonehenge and (25)______ inside a massive manmade circular earthwork.

Remains found at the site (26)______ jewelry, stone arrowheads, tools made of deer antlers, and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery.

An old road which (27)______ from the village to a river called the Avon was also unearthed.

The experts believe Stonehenge was like a cemetery where (28)______ Britons buried the dead and remembered their ancestors. “The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors,” Parker Pearson says.

Next to the village there was a giant wooden version of the famous stone circle. Archaeologists (29)______ this timber circle, which was only temporary because it eventually rotted away, was a symbol of life. Stonehenge, on the other (30)______, was a permanent symbol of the afterlife.

Parker Pearson says the recent discoveries made around the (31)______ found village show that Stonehenge didn’t stand alone but was a part of a much bigger religious site. People still keep worshiping and celebrating at Stonehenge today. They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it (32)______ on the longest day of summer.


A) covered
B) included
C) involved
D) engaged


Stonehenge Village

Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge last year (23)______ the remains of a large prehistoric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.

The village was shown to be about 4,600 years old, the same (24)______ as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt. The village is less than 2 miles from Stonehenge and (25)______ inside a massive manmade circular earthwork.

Remains found at the site (26)______ jewelry, stone arrowheads, tools made of deer antlers, and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery.

An old road which (27)______ from the village to a river called the Avon was also unearthed.

The experts believe Stonehenge was like a cemetery where (28)______ Britons buried the dead and remembered their ancestors. “The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors,” Parker Pearson says.

Next to the village there was a giant wooden version of the famous stone circle. Archaeologists (29)______ this timber circle, which was only temporary because it eventually rotted away, was a symbol of life. Stonehenge, on the other (30)______, was a permanent symbol of the afterlife.

Parker Pearson says the recent discoveries made around the (31)______ found village show that Stonehenge didn’t stand alone but was a part of a much bigger religious site. People still keep worshiping and celebrating at Stonehenge today. They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it (32)______ on the longest day of summer.


A) led
B) followed
C) moved
D) directed


Stonehenge Village

Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge last year (23)______ the remains of a large prehistoric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.

The village was shown to be about 4,600 years old, the same (24)______ as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt. The village is less than 2 miles from Stonehenge and (25)______ inside a massive manmade circular earthwork.

Remains found at the site (26)______ jewelry, stone arrowheads, tools made of deer antlers, and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery.

An old road which (27)______ from the village to a river called the Avon was also unearthed.

The experts believe Stonehenge was like a cemetery where (28)______ Britons buried the dead and remembered their ancestors. “The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors,” Parker Pearson says.

Next to the village there was a giant wooden version of the famous stone circle. Archaeologists (29)______ this timber circle, which was only temporary because it eventually rotted away, was a symbol of life. Stonehenge, on the other (30)______, was a permanent symbol of the afterlife.

Parker Pearson says the recent discoveries made around the (31)______ found village show that Stonehenge didn’t stand alone but was a part of a much bigger religious site. People still keep worshiping and celebrating at Stonehenge today. They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it (32)______ on the longest day of summer.


A) last
B) former
C) antique
D) ancient


Stonehenge Village

Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge last year (23)______ the remains of a large prehistoric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.

The village was shown to be about 4,600 years old, the same (24)______ as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt. The village is less than 2 miles from Stonehenge and (25)______ inside a massive manmade circular earthwork.

Remains found at the site (26)______ jewelry, stone arrowheads, tools made of deer antlers, and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery.

An old road which (27)______ from the village to a river called the Avon was also unearthed.

The experts believe Stonehenge was like a cemetery where (28)______ Britons buried the dead and remembered their ancestors. “The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors,” Parker Pearson says.

Next to the village there was a giant wooden version of the famous stone circle. Archaeologists (29)______ this timber circle, which was only temporary because it eventually rotted away, was a symbol of life. Stonehenge, on the other (30)______, was a permanent symbol of the afterlife.

Parker Pearson says the recent discoveries made around the (31)______ found village show that Stonehenge didn’t stand alone but was a part of a much bigger religious site. People still keep worshiping and celebrating at Stonehenge today. They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it (32)______ on the longest day of summer.


A) tell
B) claim
C) speak
D) talk


Stonehenge Village

Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge last year (23)______ the remains of a large prehistoric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.

The village was shown to be about 4,600 years old, the same (24)______ as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt. The village is less than 2 miles from Stonehenge and (25)______ inside a massive manmade circular earthwork.

Remains found at the site (26)______ jewelry, stone arrowheads, tools made of deer antlers, and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery.

An old road which (27)______ from the village to a river called the Avon was also unearthed.

The experts believe Stonehenge was like a cemetery where (28)______ Britons buried the dead and remembered their ancestors. “The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors,” Parker Pearson says.

Next to the village there was a giant wooden version of the famous stone circle. Archaeologists (29)______ this timber circle, which was only temporary because it eventually rotted away, was a symbol of life. Stonehenge, on the other (30)______, was a permanent symbol of the afterlife.

Parker Pearson says the recent discoveries made around the (31)______ found village show that Stonehenge didn’t stand alone but was a part of a much bigger religious site. People still keep worshiping and celebrating at Stonehenge today. They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it (32)______ on the longest day of summer.


A) hand
B) side
C) thing
D) part


Stonehenge Village

Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge last year (23)______ the remains of a large prehistoric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.

The village was shown to be about 4,600 years old, the same (24)______ as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt. The village is less than 2 miles from Stonehenge and (25)______ inside a massive manmade circular earthwork.

Remains found at the site (26)______ jewelry, stone arrowheads, tools made of deer antlers, and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery.

An old road which (27)______ from the village to a river called the Avon was also unearthed.

The experts believe Stonehenge was like a cemetery where (28)______ Britons buried the dead and remembered their ancestors. “The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors,” Parker Pearson says.

Next to the village there was a giant wooden version of the famous stone circle. Archaeologists (29)______ this timber circle, which was only temporary because it eventually rotted away, was a symbol of life. Stonehenge, on the other (30)______, was a permanent symbol of the afterlife.

Parker Pearson says the recent discoveries made around the (31)______ found village show that Stonehenge didn’t stand alone but was a part of a much bigger religious site. People still keep worshiping and celebrating at Stonehenge today. They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it (32)______ on the longest day of summer.


A) frequently
B) freshly
C) newly
D) regularly


Stonehenge Village

Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge last year (23)______ the remains of a large prehistoric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.

The village was shown to be about 4,600 years old, the same (24)______ as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt. The village is less than 2 miles from Stonehenge and (25)______ inside a massive manmade circular earthwork.

Remains found at the site (26)______ jewelry, stone arrowheads, tools made of deer antlers, and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery.

An old road which (27)______ from the village to a river called the Avon was also unearthed.

The experts believe Stonehenge was like a cemetery where (28)______ Britons buried the dead and remembered their ancestors. “The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors,” Parker Pearson says.

Next to the village there was a giant wooden version of the famous stone circle. Archaeologists (29)______ this timber circle, which was only temporary because it eventually rotted away, was a symbol of life. Stonehenge, on the other (30)______, was a permanent symbol of the afterlife.

Parker Pearson says the recent discoveries made around the (31)______ found village show that Stonehenge didn’t stand alone but was a part of a much bigger religious site. People still keep worshiping and celebrating at Stonehenge today. They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it (32)______ on the longest day of summer.


A) stands
B) grows
C) rises
D) climbs


One of my (33) _____ memorable summers was my trip down under to New Zealand and Australia when I had the opportunity to be a part of the People to People Student Exchange program.

Our delegation’s twenty-day stay (34) _____ with action-packed thrills from diving on the Great Barrier Reef to nature hikes in the tropics of New Zealand. Our group also travelled to a Maori village where we (35) _____ overnight learning about the native tribal rituals, dances, customs, and beliefs.

The trip also included museum visits, long flights and bus rides. I quickly felt (36) _____ home with the new friends I met from my own delegation. I am still closely involved with many friends from the trip. If you (37) _____ a chance to be involved with the People to People summer programs, I highly recommend doing it.


A) the more
B) the most
C) most
D) much


One of my (33) _____ memorable summers was my trip down under to New Zealand and Australia when I had the opportunity to be a part of the People to People Student Exchange program.

Our delegation’s twenty-day stay (34) _____ with action-packed thrills from diving on the Great Barrier Reef to nature hikes in the tropics of New Zealand. Our group also travelled to a Maori village where we (35) _____ overnight learning about the native tribal rituals, dances, customs, and beliefs.

The trip also included museum visits, long flights and bus rides. I quickly felt (36) _____ home with the new friends I met from my own delegation. I am still closely involved with many friends from the trip. If you (37) _____ a chance to be involved with the People to People summer programs, I highly recommend doing it.


A) fill
B) was filled
C) filling
D) has filled


One of my (33) _____ memorable summers was my trip down under to New Zealand and Australia when I had the opportunity to be a part of the People to People Student Exchange program.

Our delegation’s twenty-day stay (34) _____ with action-packed thrills from diving on the Great Barrier Reef to nature hikes in the tropics of New Zealand. Our group also travelled to a Maori village where we (35) _____ overnight learning about the native tribal rituals, dances, customs, and beliefs.

The trip also included museum visits, long flights and bus rides. I quickly felt (36) _____ home with the new friends I met from my own delegation. I am still closely involved with many friends from the trip. If you (37) _____ a chance to be involved with the People to People summer programs, I highly recommend doing it.


A) would stay
B) stayed
C) had stayed
D) were stayed


One of my (33) _____ memorable summers was my trip down under to New Zealand and Australia when I had the opportunity to be a part of the People to People Student Exchange program.

Our delegation’s twenty-day stay (34) _____ with action-packed thrills from diving on the Great Barrier Reef to nature hikes in the tropics of New Zealand. Our group also travelled to a Maori village where we (35) _____ overnight learning about the native tribal rituals, dances, customs, and beliefs.

The trip also included museum visits, long flights and bus rides. I quickly felt (36) _____ home with the new friends I met from my own delegation. I am still closely involved with many friends from the trip. If you (37) _____ a chance to be involved with the People to People summer programs, I highly recommend doing it.


A) inside
B) of
C) in
D) at


One of my (33) _____ memorable summers was my trip down under to New Zealand and Australia when I had the opportunity to be a part of the People to People Student Exchange program.

Our delegation’s twenty-day stay (34) _____ with action-packed thrills from diving on the Great Barrier Reef to nature hikes in the tropics of New Zealand. Our group also travelled to a Maori village where we (35) _____ overnight learning about the native tribal rituals, dances, customs, and beliefs.

The trip also included museum visits, long flights and bus rides. I quickly felt (36) _____ home with the new friends I met from my own delegation. I am still closely involved with many friends from the trip. If you (37) _____ a chance to be involved with the People to People summer programs, I highly recommend doing it.


A) got
B) will get
C) get
D) has got


In March this year, Peter John Rigby, 73, from Skipton, (38)_____ reading for more than ten seconds by North Yorkshire Police’s mobile (39)_____ camera on Beamsley Hill.

Mr. Rigby pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and was fined £1,080. In addition to (40)_____ for 12 months, he was ordered to take an extended driving test.

Dave Brown, Team Manager, said: “Those 10 seconds (41)_____ have been disastrous for him or other road users. This case demonstrates the clear evidence captured by the camera and should serve as a reminder to other road users of the potential consequences if they (42)_____ to take unnecessary and dangerous risks.”


A) has seen
B) was seen
C) was seeing
D) has been seen


In March this year, Peter John Rigby, 73, from Skipton, (38)_____ reading for more than ten seconds by North Yorkshire Police’s mobile (39)_____ camera on Beamsley Hill.

Mr. Rigby pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and was fined £1,080. In addition to (40)_____ for 12 months, he was ordered to take an extended driving test.

Dave Brown, Team Manager, said: “Those 10 seconds (41)_____ have been disastrous for him or other road users. This case demonstrates the clear evidence captured by the camera and should serve as a reminder to other road users of the potential consequences if they (42)_____ to take unnecessary and dangerous risks.”


A) safety
B) save
C) safe
D) safely


In March this year, Peter John Rigby, 73, from Skipton, (38)_____ reading for more than ten seconds by North Yorkshire Police’s mobile (39)_____ camera on Beamsley Hill.

Mr. Rigby pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and was fined £1,080. In addition to (40)_____ for 12 months, he was ordered to take an extended driving test.

Dave Brown, Team Manager, said: “Those 10 seconds (41)_____ have been disastrous for him or other road users. This case demonstrates the clear evidence captured by the camera and should serve as a reminder to other road users of the potential consequences if they (42)_____ to take unnecessary and dangerous risks.”


A) be banning
B) banning
C) ban
D) being banned


In March this year, Peter John Rigby, 73, from Skipton, (38)_____ reading for more than ten seconds by North Yorkshire Police’s mobile (39)_____ camera on Beamsley Hill.

Mr. Rigby pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and was fined £1,080. In addition to (40)_____ for 12 months, he was ordered to take an extended driving test.

Dave Brown, Team Manager, said: “Those 10 seconds (41)_____ have been disastrous for him or other road users. This case demonstrates the clear evidence captured by the camera and should serve as a reminder to other road users of the potential consequences if they (42)_____ to take unnecessary and dangerous risks.”


A) must
B) should
C) could
D) ought


In March this year, Peter John Rigby, 73, from Skipton, (38)_____ reading for more than ten seconds by North Yorkshire Police’s mobile (39)_____ camera on Beamsley Hill.

Mr. Rigby pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and was fined £1,080. In addition to (40)_____ for 12 months, he was ordered to take an extended driving test.

Dave Brown, Team Manager, said: “Those 10 seconds (41)_____ have been disastrous for him or other road users. This case demonstrates the clear evidence captured by the camera and should serve as a reminder to other road users of the potential consequences if they (42)_____ to take unnecessary and dangerous risks.”


A) choose
B) chooses
C) had chosen
D) will choose


You and your family have recently moved into a new house. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which

  • tell him / her about your moving in and briefly describe your house (exterior and interior);
  • invite him/her to your house-warming party and write about the date, guests, entertainment
  • explain how to get to your place (location and means of transport).

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use your real name or any other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

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